Specialty Dentures

Visit Woodmen Views Dentistry For Dentures In Colorado Springs 

When some or all of your teeth are missing, you need dentures. Having dentures made by the dentist at Woodmen Views Dentistry can change your life by making it easier to chew food and by creating an aesthetically pleasing smile. Woodmen Views dentures are customized to fit comfortably inside your mouth so that you won’t develop sores on your gums or tongue. 

You Might Need Full or Partial Dentures 

You might need upper or lower dentures that are removable because you have lost all of your teeth. Alternatively, Specialty Dentures in Colorado Springs are available, and these are often partial dentures that fit correctly around the natural teeth that are still inside your mouth. In some cases, partial dentures are fixed inside the mouth, and our dentist can attach these devices to the surrounding natural teeth with metal supports. 

Dentures Require Healthy Gums and Alveolar Bones 

Before our dentist at Woodmen Views Dentistry can create your Dentures in Colorado Springs, he will complete a comprehensive examination of your oral cavity. It is important to have healthy gums and alveolar bones in order to wear any type of dentures. If you have gingivitis or poor bone density, then it is possible to repair these problems with a variety of treatments. In addition, when you have a tooth that is beyond repair with a filling, root canal or crown, our dentist can extract a tooth in order to make beautiful dentures. 

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We Collect Medical Images and Molds Of Your Mouth 

In addition to a physical examination of your mouth, it is vital for our dental team to collect medical images and molds of your mouth. By having X-rays and molds, we can make specialty Dentures in Colorado Springs that will fit precisely on your gums so that you will enjoy wearing the devices. You will also want dentures that look natural inside your mouth, and our dentist selects a color of resin for the supports that looks attractive. 

Woodmen Views Dentures Are Made To Look Natural Inside Your Mouth

The false teeth on your dentures are made to match the color of your own teeth, or our dentist will choose a color of resin or porcelain that will optimize the appearance of your facial structure. After you receive your first dentures, there is an adjustment period that can include secreting excess saliva, but this problem dissipates within a few days. If you have any problems with your dentures, then you can return to Woodmen Views Dentistry for an adjustment to ensure that the devices fit and work properly. 

Learn How To Care For Your

​Caring for your dentures is essential to prevent halitosis or gingivitis. If your partial dentures are fixed inside your mouth, then our dentist may recommend using specialized toothpaste and an oral irrigator to remove food and beverage debris. When you wear removable dentures, you will use tablets or liquids to disinfect your false teeth in a plastic container.

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